start running, you won't stop
the runner--chris. january 26. 15. v-high. taken like a true playa.


sam anthony kt is the coolest. jessica lyrically correct athlete's foot myspace

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Sunday, January 08, 2006

yeah, basically. friggin alaska. it actually warmed up today. you know what it warmed up to? 30 effin degrees! how . it's that i have to say it WARMED up to 30 degrees. whatever. it's actually really beautiful up here. and there's a lotta stuff to do. i'm not gonna go into detail because i can't be on this computer for too long. it's not mine, so i'm kinda borrowing time here. i'll go into a long post later on once i get my own computer but for now i'll just let y'all know that i'm safe, and doing ok. ok being the key term. i still really really miss everyone down there and can't wait to come visit again.

everything's gonna be ok again. eventually.


chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..

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