start running, you won't stop
the runner--chris. january 26. 15. v-high. taken like a true playa.


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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

hey, i'm in a good mood now. i wasn't before, but now i am. it's a wonder what a mocha in a christian internet cafe can do for you. haha. anyway, my day was pretty boring yet again. but i'm sure you don't wanna hear that for the 50 million fafillion jajillion shamitydooooobillionth time. haha. let's see....

easter sunday-
woke up at like, 9:30 ish? anyway, i got my chocolate and sour skittles. honestly, that was and probably will be the highlite of my spring break. chocolate and sour skittles. heck yes. my mom called though, that was cool to talk to her on easter. then we went to church and all that good stuff. worship was exceptionally good on sunday, probably because this is the one day we realize most what Jesus actually did for us. he died. but that's not all. he rose. oh man. he saved our lives. what a loving friend, that He would go through such a horrible death and not only that, but rise again. he loves me that much. he loves you that much... anyway, the sermon on sunday was good too. he'd talk for a little bit, and then show a clip from 'The Passion.' which was again, quite hard to watch...after church, me and damon dropped matt off for an easter egg hunt at his friend's house, and me and damon ate taco bell at the bx. what an easter dinner huh? haha.

woke up at like 9 because i had to go to track practice. that was fun and easy, because we ran with the sprinters. buncha wusses if you ask me, lol. then i went home and took a shower. i waited for about an hour, then damon came and brought me and matt to vacaville because i had to get a new guitar string and matt had a dentist appointment. what fun. then i just chilled the rest of the day. oh yeah, i also cooked them famous Baca Burgers! heck yes. and they were awesome, because we cooked 'em on the grill this time instead of that george foreman thing.

track practice again. but then afterwards, i walked to jessica's. i took a shower at her house and got a ride with her to Grace's. that was fun i guess. played a LOT of speed. and we watched the incredibles. lol. that was alright i guess. i got home at like 8:30 or 9. that was fun...i guess. not as fun as before at KT's house though. lol. never again will i wear girl pants though...

didnt go to track because i was tired. lol. i know, i'm a bad kid. i'll go running tomorrow, dont worry. did the same thing as normal (played guitar, video games, basketball, etc.). so just a normal day i guess. kinda boring, but whatever. hopefully i can go to marine world on friday. now that would bring this spring break up to about a 9 on the Chris's Spring Break 1-10 scale. haha, just kiddin. anyway, now i'm here at the peak sippin on my cafe mocha. hope yall are havin a good spring break.


chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..

Saturday, March 26, 2005 was....DUMB boring. jeez man. base sucks without a friend. maybe if zack was here i'd be having some fun. hope he's having fun all the way in florida.

let's see. i woke up at 9:30 this morning and saw my guitar sitting there, so i figured 'what the heck?' so i re-tuned my guitar and played some 'turpentine chaser' by dashboard. that was cool for like, a half hour i guess. then i got on the computer since no one was home. i got to talk to kt and anthony about last nite. dont you just love reminiscing? then kt showed me the pictures from the party last nite. i'm NEVER wearing girl pants ever again in my entire life. dang, i looked hecka gay lol. maybe if someone paid me (bry, lol). anyway, after that i got up and made some cinnamon rolls and watched spiderman (yeah, the cartoon...shutup lol). then when the rolls were ready, i ate like 3 just because i could. then i went and took a shower. after THAT, i went and played video games for a little while. and then i started to play my guitar again, but i had to retune it. but while i was doing that, my bottom e string broke and popped my hand. dang, made me so mad. i think my guitar was supposed to be the only thing that was keeping me sane since zack's i dont even have that. then i got my lazy butt out of the house to go to the bx by myself...yeah, loner i know. maybe if some of dem cool double v kids came on base, i wouldnt be such a big loser. so i went to burger king to eat, then afterwards i went to the food court to do some homework (told you, i was REALLY really bored today). then i went to the bx for a little bit and walked around. i bought my mom a birthday card and some chapstick because "my lips hurt real BAD!" lol. then i walked home and damon arrived shortly after. now i'm here chillin at the peak sippin on that vanilla/strawberry italian soda. hecka good.

so as you can see...i'm in dire need of friendship on base. lol. i hope you got as bored reading this post as i was all day today. tomorrow's easter though. CANDY time. heck yes. and i'm gettin a shirt from dashboard confessional's website and a jack johnson cd from dat old kid in louisiana. haha.


someone...please save me. haha.

chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..

Friday, March 25, 2005

dang. feels like i havent posted in hecka long. maybe it's because i havent. oh well. just to let all dem cool kids out there know...everything's cool. no worries. was the first day of spring break. it kinda wasnt fun till about 5ish. i woke up at like, 9 and i was really mad because it's effin spring break and i wake up early...haha, oh well i guess. i was never much of a really late sleeper anyway. well, i chilled inside like all day because my best friend chose effin florida over me...haha. it's cool though. hope HE has a good time. because my spring break will consist of chris playing guitar, chris sleeping, chris eating, and possibly chris running. that's it. maybe we could go to marine world? i dont know, just a thought. i've got some of those things from burger king that take off like 20 bucks for a general admission. so we gotta go. anyway, i mowed the lawn at like 12:40 and got in at like 1. 20 minutes to mow the lawn. haha, my yard's hecka small, ask nia or zack or lily. then i took a shower and played guitar for like...3 1/2 hours. oh well. i guess i didnt really have a choice. haha. that's when the fun began...

kt's "party" (more like, get together) was really fun. let's was me, lily, nia, jon, grace, kt, kt's sister, anthony, bry, chris hoeft, and danielle. we are crazy together man. i dont know what it is, but we were all like, crackin up at the stupidest stuff. but it was really fun. we ate, and then while that was going on nia hecka took a noodle and held the end and swallowed it, then took it back out. really weird. and kinda gross. haha. then we were gonna watch gothika, but nobody was watching so we played spoons (forks, lol) instead. except we played it differently. whoever was the last person to grab a fork had to chug half a cup of pepsi (or water, but a full glass of that) and had to switch your shirt with the person who won that hand. and if both of you already had switched shirts, then you switch pants. effin crazy...i dont know who came up with that rule, but guess who got stuck wearing GIRL pants. yeah. me. and i fit in size 0. i didnt realize how small my legs really were...but dont worry, no one saw anyone else with no pants on...haha. then we all just like, chilled and talked. pretty fun if you ask me...

heck yes. if the rest of spring break is like this...i'm gonna love it. haha. whew, i'm done for the nite. but i'll probly get on sometime later...


"sooner or later this cold, it's gonna break and our words'll be heard again. and all i want are vows of silence now..."

chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..

Saturday, March 19, 2005

so...i know most people dont like mad or bitter or sad posts.

but all i'm gonna say is...i dont get what in the world i did wrong...and what am i supposed to do if i dont...?


chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

ahhh. the joy of being finished with something. but then again, the sadness of seeing something you worked hard on coming to an end. i don't know. first, i would like to say that everyone did such an awesome job today at the spirit show! we definitely killed them sophomores for sure. and we pulled it off pretty flawlessly (with a few minor exceptions...*cough* tim and chelsea). and even though i pretty much hated going to practice for it, i'm kind of sad to see it end. because for a little while (until marching starts again for all the band, jp) i'll be alone with nothing to do before track starts. oh well...i guess all things come to an end at SOME point. i just hope that's not true for a few things....

anyway, spirit show practice last nite and today was crazy man. last nite, we went through the show like, 5 times. but that's ok. and then a few of us were sitting outside, and time and casey come running out and they were like "FOLLOW US!" and so me and nia and natalie followed them. me, casey, and time jumped the fence to the backside of the gym. then we climbed up on top of the coke machines to the top of the roof. it was fun for like, 5 seconds until we saw a car drive into the parking lot and got scared. so we jumped off the roof and ran to the front quad. wow. good times man. then i traced a few stars. i dont know. then i got to school this morning to a bunch of TIRED faces. crazy kids, going on like, 45 minutes of sleep all day. i dont know how yall did it. i would've just stayed home and slept. lol. oh well.

one last thing. i know a lot of us complained about lily being really bossy this whole time...and kinda irritating. but all that aside, i'd REALLY like to thank her for everything she did. i mean if you really look at it, if we didnt have you, lily, that show wouldn't have been half as good as it was. i dont know about everyone else, but i'm very grateful for everything you did for us. and that everyone else did for us too. so....thanks.


chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..

Saturday, March 12, 2005

i'm dead tired. freakin done for man. today was my meet in vallejo. it was pretty fun man. i dont know, i didnt think it would be that fun...but hanging around people, and running REALLY well is actually quite fun. i had two runs, a 400 (1 lap) and an 800 (2 laps). the run was a distance medley where we had four runners and they ran 3 laps, 1 lap, 2 laps, and 4 laps in that order. of course i ran the 1 lap in that race. brandon d'sousza handed me that baton and i was GONE. i ran it in like, 59 seconds...that's like, dumb fast for a freshman. and i've only run the 400 that fast one other time, in XC. crazy man. and then me, mike schraer, brandon d'sousza, and jeff engle ran the 4x800. we actually did pretty good considering we were all in the most horrible mood for running it. lol. we were like "it's cold, and i dont feel like running.." but the 800 is like, one of the gayest races, because it's not long enough or short enough. smack dab in the freakin middle. but i ran it in 2:25. not too bad. and i passed the guy ahead of me, so it was pretty cool. then we ate at jack in the box. i dont know, that stuff musta had some poison in it or something because...
nevermind. so anyway, i'm really proud of myself. i did really well for a freshman.

man, besides that, i cant wait till this spirit show stuff is over. but it will kinda suck, because no one will be stayin after school i wont have anyone to hang out with...that'll suck. but whatever.

hmm...nothing much else is going on. i guess i'm pretty content right now though. and i was digging the bus ride to vallejo, because i got to listen to a little ocean avenue...


chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..

Thursday, March 10, 2005

my week was actually pretty ok. which i'm glad for. before i know it, it'll be spring break, and then my mom'll be back. yessssssssssss. haha. well, i'm gonna post on my meet, but in a different way, since i'm lazy. i'll just post the email that i sent to my mom about the meet:

just got back from my meet today. it was pretty crazy. and hard. my legs are like, dead tired. but that's ok, because i'm pretty proud of myself for once. the meet was in rio vista (but i have no idea where it is..). and it was on a dirt track, but that was ok, because i had spikes. so anyway, my first race was a mile and it was pretty hard.there were 5 vanden guys and one rio vista. for most of the race, i was in last place (but i figured as much, seeing as how i'm a freshman runnin varsity), but then the guy ahead of me (rio vista) wasn't that on the last lap, i kicked it up like i always do. and we were tied for about 150-250 meters. then when we were coming around the last curve, i kicked it up a lot, probly to about 100%. and ended up beating him. my time was 5:25! that's my fastest i've ever run a mile, too. i'm pretty proud of that. my second race (two mile) was one of the last ones. it was VERY hard. there were 3 vanden runners and two rio vistas. i stayed in the very middle the entire time. but my time was pretty good, although i wish i could keep a faster pace than that. it was 12:08. i know it's something most people would be proud of...but it just gives me reason to work that much harder.

so there you have it. i wish people could actually come to some of my meets this year...but i know it probly won't happen seeing as how they're all away. that sucks. but it would be nice to have a cheering section for once....

anyway, hope everyone else is having a good week. come to the freshman spirit show on tuesday during lunch just because we worked so hard on it. haha. no but seriously, come. it's gonna be pretty funny actually. well, besides, that, there's really nothing. so i guess i'll talk to yall later.


chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..

Sunday, March 06, 2005

so this weekend was pretty good.

zack spent the nite, and we watched kung pow because he had just bought it. it was kinda funny i guess. really retarted. but sorta funny nonetheless. we didnt fall asleep till like...2. lol. oh well.

me and zack were like, lazy all day pretty much. we played with the idea of going to vanden to play basketball, just to make everyone mad. lol. nah, we just threw the football for a little bit. then his mom came and brought us to the mall. it was pretty fun i guess. zack was all like, "once i get a job, i think i'm gonna change my style." haha...oh well. that should be cool, once he actually gets one. then he drove us home. that player can actually drive pretty well. surprisingly. haha, just kidding man.

well, i woke up at like 9:15 and ate some biscuits. dat boy matt cooked them. very good. then i went over to damon, and he was like, "i dont feel good." so me and matt went to church by ourselves. it was still good though. then i got to drive by myself to follow damon to his work. that was cool. didnt have a parent breathing down my neck the entire time. lol. that was pretty much it. there wasn't much more. except i mowed the lawn.

yeah, so...i had a good weekend. gotta go. talk to yall later.


chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..

Friday, March 04, 2005


tonight was like....crazy good. oh yeah.


chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

sup kids. ha...i've been calling everyone "kid" like all today and yesterday. anyway, life's pretty good now. realized mistakes...fixed them..."it's all gravy." lol.

yeah, school and track have been like..consuming my life. but that's what school's about right? i just cant wait till summer. get to be lazy. hang out with friends...NO SCHOOL! oh man. can't wait. i've been talkin to dat girl in kuwait too. she's doing great. and she's in like better shape than i am. lol. runnin 5k's like all over the place.

i'm not diggin track that much. i dont enjoy running around in circles. i dont know. i guess the only reason i do it is to stay in shape for XC. for most people it's the other way around. oh well. today we ran 6 400's. actually it was twelve. lemme explain. we sprinted a lap, then jogged a lap. that counted as one. except here's the thing...there was no stopping in between. craziness man. i dont know how i do it sometimes. my times were 72, 75, 80, 80, 80, 70. i kicked it up like CRAZY on that last one. nia and lily saw me too. i'm sure they were like "what a nerd." lol. i was like yelling at myself. what a dork. guess you gotta do what you gotta do to get what you want. and i did. oh well.

school isn't that fun either. but i'm not gonna complain. i have good grades, ok teachers, and i get to spend time with friends. that's good too. spirit show stuff coming up. i know lily's stressin a lot about it. but i dont blame her. it'll be really good, i know it will. nothing much else going on in this area. just boring old school. nothing new, but they still find someway to keep us occupied. i haven't quite figured it out yet...

besides that...nothing. track and school. how fun. woohoo. ha.


i'm beggin you, i'm beggin you, i'm beggin you to be my escape...

chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..

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