start running, you won't stop
the runner--chris. january 26. 15. v-high. taken like a true playa.


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Thursday, December 30, 2004

Civitus Dei

so, me and zack were thinkin bout it, and i've come up with a name for my band (well, really it's just me...but it's kinda like a dashboard confessional thing).anyway, my "band" if you can call it that, is called Civitus Dei (meaning City of God).and my strings and frets website is now so yeup, that's to yall later./


chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..

Sunday, December 26, 2004

man, my Christmas was FREAKIN awesome.i had a great day's everything i got: Fender Strat, Spiderman 2, a longhorns belt buckle, some ring from my aunt (but it's pretty player), a corkboard thing (for XC stuff), money, some cologne, an mp3 player, and i think that's it....but i'm not sure......dang, i got a lotta stuff now that i look at it.....but not all that's from my mom and dad....most of it's from my family back home and such.and i still think there's some in the mail that we havent yeah.hope everyone one else had as good of a Christmas as i did.

did yall hear about zack?....if you didnt know already, he got a TRUCK.lucky piece of it's all good...i'm not jealous or anything, cuz i've got my

oh yeah, and i think i'm gonna revive the guitar blog.....the link is so yeah.....well, to anyone who i didnt say it to: merry belated Christmas.and i guess i'll talk to yall later.holler.


chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..

Friday, December 24, 2004


may the peace of the Lord Jesus be with you all.


chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..

Friday, December 17, 2004

the gayest of gay fridays before Christmas break ever...literally...

well, i'm not gonna go into detail, but's true.yuck.anyway, on a lighter note...i got like a crapload of presents today at school.people really care for each other in our group man.let's see....i got 5 cd's (all burnt of, lincoln logs (from lily, who else?), a superman (just the shield) poster, a superman necklace thing, and a spiderman wallet from anthony that is CLEAN.and i didnt get anyone ANYTHING.i'm broke, what can i say?besides, i told everyone not to get me anything for Christmas cuz i knew i wasnt gettin anyone anything.whatever.they must've not heard me or something, cuz JEEZ.

anyway, besides that, everything's goin pretty well.i still cant wait to get my guitar.but i only have like a week to wait on that, so it shouldn't be too bad.i DID get my amp though, which is really player.and i've been workin out and runnin i'm stayin in shape till track comes which is february, so i dont have TOO long to stay in shape.and that's about it.just a peek into the life of baca.well, to end this gayest of gay fridays before Christmas break ever...literally...HOLLER.


chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..

Monday, December 06, 2004

hopefully this works....

anyway, this is the guitar that i just ordered last nite!!!i cant wait till it comes in, although i have to wait till Christmas to actually play it...that sucks!oh long as i get it...i'm fine.

well, what else is new?i guess everyone knows by now...yes i asked katie to the dance, and no we're not going.and yes i like her.yes.yes.yes.jeez ppl.not that big a's not like we're gonna go out or anything seeing as she doesnt like me like that anymore.

onto other business....i guess other than that, things are just least, they're back to's all good and everything.and i'm just a normal kid waitin for Christmas.oh and EXIT was today.i got to play worship.that was good i guess....and that's about to yall later....HOLLER.


chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..

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