Tuesday, August 30, 2005
GROSS.yeah, first period's not too bad. i actually kinda like mr. lundy, and i've got lily, nia, and zack in that class. zack was cracking me up this morning though. i'm freakin' trying to listen to lundy, and all of a sudden i hear this really faint voice "
second period =
coolest P.E. period in the entire history of the world. like, everyone's in that class. it's sooo cool. haha. of course there's zack, lily, nia.. and then there's so many other people. it's sweet. i'd have to say those are my two favorite periods of the day. especially today, because was big pimpin' with all the girls sitting all around me. just ask zack. hahaha. and freakin' we don't have lockers, so we're gonna be like walking the gay track. and it's gonna be hot. i get enough of that track with stupid intervals during cross country.
third period isn't as bad as i thought it'd be. although world history doesn't exactly exciting, the teacher is actually nicer than i thought she'd be. man, she was cracking me up today. along with giovanna, jesse perotti, and osa. hahaha, cracking me up.
fourth period is so weak. friggin' french. like, i seriously doubt i'm gonna learn anything while i'm in this class. maybe a little bit, but not that much. because i have so many friends in that class, and mrs. k is
so easy. and she gives out so much extra credit. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssssyyyyyyyy class.
lunch.. whatever, nothing special.
fifth period.. science honors. oh boy. i'm not too psyched about this class because:
- it's honors, which means a lot of work.
- the only friends i have in that class are brittanie and and katie. not too exciting there.
last period is geometry. i'm not sure what to make of it yet. the teacher's not too bad i guess. but i don't really have friends in that one too. i am making friends with this girl named samantha though. she's a junior..? i dunno.
seventh period is somewhat of a drag because everyone else has seven periods except me. but i'm not complaining because i pretty much like my schedule. but i've been so tired coming home from school. i think i'm gonna start going to bed a lot ealier. like 9. yeah, i'm a loser.
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Sunday, August 28, 2005
fun summer, yeah?
a few parties, a few creekwalks, a trip to louisiana, a huge concert, a trip to marine world, and 1221. wow.
the parties were ok.. this last pool party wasn't all that exciting, but i can't say i was expecting much anyway. i'm just glad to have seen everyone right before school started, and that everyone saw the new do. yeah, i'd have to say that sitting and talking with nia and zack was the best part. i miss talking to nia though.. haven't really done it in a while. like.. really talked.
umm.. marine world was the shiz. me, bry, michelle, and michelle's white-filipino cousin. weird. anyway, i'm glad i got to go once. they made me ride V2 and that was like the sweetest ride there. i would've ridden it anyway, but i can't say i wasn't a tad bit nervous about riding a new ride.
the creekwalks kinda sucked this year. friggin'.. ended at 9. but the last one was cool, hanging out with sarah, zack, and joanna. all the other ones weren't too bad i guess. but not as good as last year i don't think.
spirit west coast!! man, that was pretty thweet. what with David Burris, and 'you wish!'. yeah, good times.. good times. newsboys rocked, and so did david crowder.. yeaaaaaah. and then the beach too. that'll be the second to last skim trip of the year, and one of the last ones for a looooooong time unless i go to florida next summer. effing alaska.
oh, can't forget B-rad's partay. yeah, scandia was awesome. too bad the go-karts were like.. gay. but that's ok, the food and arcade games made up for it. and seein' bradley for one last time. well, hopefully i'll see him again when he comes down.. i'm sure i will.
1221 has been really awesome this summer. what with meeting with breanne and lacy and all. haha. no but really, worship was GREAT and so were the sermons. it was probably the one thing i constantly had to look forward to during the week. yeah, that was sweet.
louisiana-- not much to say there. good times, spending it with family, but i can't say i wasn't glad to be back home. although gay hole zack moved to vacaville that same day. uhh.
so i guess i'd have to say this is the best summer i've had. there isn't much to really compare it to though. whatever. i can't complain. it was real, it was fun.. it was real fun.
i gotta get to bed. school. guh-reat.
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Saturday, August 27, 2005
so i've been posting a lot more often. and i dunno why. well, maybe i do. maybe it's because i don't wanna have to post 50 mile long posts. haha.
so, i didn't tell anyone before that i got my haircut on thursday. i didn't really want to because i kinda wanted it to be a surprise. i'm pretty glad i didn't tell anyone though because most people's reactions were crazy. lol. i've decided that i personally like it better though. yeah, it's a lot easier to deal with, and most people like it anyway. i think i'm gonna add pictures right now because i've never done it with blogger and i wanna see if it works. haha.

so yeah, craziness. totally different. and cutting it that short was WAY spur of the moment. haha.
the creekwalk was last night, but we didn't really do much there. i watched joanna and aimee perform at the little stage with sarah and zack. then me, zack, sarah, and joanna went to starbucks. too bad joanna was like high off her stupid vicodin. haha. when we got there anthony, lily, brandon, weldon, and chris were there so i hung out with them for a little bit before i went to sit with zack and them. we talked for while.. that was pretty sweet, just hanging out.
today was the pool party. i'd talk about what we did at zack's house, but really nothing went on. i was by myself for like 5 hours anyway, like chilling with his little sister because zack had to go into work because someone called in sick. anyway, we went to the party and met up with everyone. that was cool i guess. i'm glad i got to see everyone before school started. then me and zack had to go to his church for some meeting and there was this kid that would not shut up. oh my gosh. like, i was about to kick him in the face. haha. anyway, after me and zack talked about how much fun it is torturing cats, we went back to the party for like 30 minutes. i got a ride home with shack, which was a major bonus because his family is wayyy southern. haha, i love hanging out with southern families. they crack me up. "if you think the last four words of the national anthem are 'gentlemen, start your engines'.. you might be a redneck."
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Thursday, August 25, 2005
so, my week hasn't been eventful. like, at all.
all i've been doing since registration is running. and then i go home and sit around. all. day. long. holy cow, it's like the boringest thing ever. well, i guess i won't be saying this for too long. either that, or i'll be saying how bored i am at school instead of at home. hmm.. i think i'd rather be bored at home. but that's just me.
freakin' holy crap. tuesday we had to run at lagoon valley. oh man, that was like the worst run ever. the hills are like, mount everest out here. gross. and then we had to start going to practice yesterday at 3:30 because stupid martinez and wiekel had to start work yesterday. but whatever. we had gay mile intervals yesterday, and today was only three miles. my legs are KILLING me though. holy cow, they haven't hurt this bad since track season.
yeah, other than that.. nothing. nothing at all. although, me and zack did go to 1221 tonight. that was pretty thweet. except lacy and breanne weren't there. oh well, it's not like i'm going there for them anyway. tomorrow is the creekwalk, and saturday is pool party. i hear it's gonna be like 103 outside so we sure picked a perfect day for a pool party. i guess it'll be a pretty ok end to a pretty ok summer.
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Monday, August 22, 2005
registration was today. before i went though, i went to practice and he made us run 5 miles. boy, that was the longest distance i've run in like 9 months. maybe not, but it seems like it. then after my run i walked over to the school and saw all my friends. that was cool i guess. haha, i saw kt but she was mad becuase she couldn't hug me since i was all sweaty. brittanie didn't care though. i guess that's because she gets just as sweaty as i get being that she's a cross country runner too. anyway, i did all my registration stuff, took a gay picture, got an awesome locker, and got a fantastic schedule:
- English 2H - Lundy
- PE - Butler
- World History - Vinet
- French 2 - Kuchinski (YEAH!)
- Integrated Science 2H - Lewis
- Geometry - Centeno
yeah, my schedule's awesome. first two periods with zack and nia. and like, everyone's in my PE period. french is gonna be great because Mrs. Kuchinski is wayyy easy. i'm thinkin it's gonna be a good year. wow, my mood about going back to school has lifted a little.
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Saturday, August 20, 2005
aspdlfhasd;ahsdf. ---know what that is? that's the sound of this week, and how retarded it was.
ok, so to start off.. this weather is the gayest thing i've ever seen in my entire life. i mean.. come on! freaking.. it's like less than 60 degrees in the morning when i wake up to go to cross country practice. oh my gosh, and it's like windy as a beezy outside too. holy crap, we had to run 4 miles on thursday, and there were 30 mph winds. what kind of crap is that?! oh whatever.. apparently it'll be better next week. it better be, because this is august. i can't enjoy my summer to the fullest if it's this cold outside. it's just.. not normal.
other than that, things have been pretty boring. i can't really say i've been too lazy because of waking up at 7:40 in the morning to go to practice. but things haven't been to exciting lately. i dunno, monday'll be a little different. schedule pick-up and whatnot. yeah, whatever.
tonight, however, was very fun. anja and i decided to go see 'The Island' together. that was pretty cool i guess.. i've never really like talked to her before. you know, had like a regular conversation or whatever. it was cool though. i had a good time. she was cracking me up the whole movie though. and i must say, the movie was pretty darn good. yeah, i'd recommend it. well, if you like a lot of action.
yeah, short post. the week was full of cross country and nothing, so what'd you expect?
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Monday, August 15, 2005
i'm such a blog neglecter.. neglector? neglecter? ahh screw it.. school doesn't start for another two weeks. eww.. school starts in two weeks. MAN HOMES.. THINK I'M GONNA THROW UP!!
so where did we leave off? last saturday?! urggh.. i've got a lotta catching up to do. i need to learn to update this thing more.
sunday was pretty good i guess. went to church, you know, the usual. then a while after coming home, zack and his dad came and picked me up so i could go and spend the night at his house. we didn't have much to do during the day (except for me screwing up his computer by ACCIDENT), so we decided to go to lindsey's because we heard that michelle and jessica were over. besides.. we had nothing else to do. so after spending a few hours there in heated discussion about God and playing air hockey, we headed home. nothing out of the ordinary, especially considering it's lindsey's house. i'd mention other stuff that happened, but i'm sure y'all will find out soon enough.. or you already know. hahaha. anyway, that night we spent moping over stupid things, and posting in Lyrically Correct with sad songs. what a buncha saps. anyway, we stayed up to try and watch the shuttle land, but that didn't end up happening. stupid NASA and their guys in houston asking for food. don't even know how to control a space shuttle landing. buncha losers.
we woke up at like noon the next day (which, by the way, was caused by michael calling us.. loser) and zack made some of them famous waffles. i swear, i don't think he should become a pilot. maybe a chef.. yeah, a waffle chef. that'd be player because then, i'd have an endless supply of Zack's Famous Waffles. man, that would just make my life right there. anyway, after watching a few videos on zack's (much faster than mine) dsl, zack's dad brought us back to my house.. where we were again.. moping. gosh, we are such losers. i'm glad the moping's over at the very least. anyway, even though we were planning on going to waterworld th next day, we stayed up much later than we should have. dumb holes.
ahh.. waterworld.. a place of fun and excitement. but before the excitement, comes puking. yes, puking. apparently zack got this massive headache on the way to sacramento, and it made him nauseated. yeah, i'm thinking this sickness was directly related to his last "nauseated" incidence, where he got kool-aid in his eye. like i said before.. freak. anyway, after the vomiting was over, he was fine for the most part.. and we continued our trip to waterworld. we had a great time there, scamming on chics. yeah, right. there was this one lifeguard though.. she had on these player pink sunglasses... umm.. yeah. anyway, we found vona and casey there. that was cool for a little while. johnny b. goode came on and i sang it at the top of my lungs.. what a singer. i was being retarded all day though. it was great. so after waterworld was over, we brought zack back (haha.. "zack back") to his house and headed home. we had an athletic meeting to go to at 7, which was pretty boring for the most part. i'm such a trouble maker though.. talking while mr. luckey was talking. my mom actually lectured me for it. i probably deserved it though.. i don't know what was with me. even in the cross country meeting, i wouldn't shutup. haha. but it WAS really cool to see the cross country team again. well, most of them.
and then comes wednesday. boy, what an awkward day. physicals.. gross. standing in line was fun. talking and messing around with cameron carr, zack, and shack. but no more will be said about that day, because it's not too fun to remember.
i don't think much happened thursday.. oh! i went to see 'War of the Worlds,' which was actually not that bad of a movie. i'm surprised tom cruise is doing this well though, with all the movies he's made in the past.
let's see.. zack and i went to the creekwalk on friday. well, first we went to McDonald's because homer hadn't eaten and was "starving." pfff.. anyway, after that, we went to the creekwalk and hugn out with emma for a little while. that was cool, catching up with her. then we saw brandon, amanda, nia, and josh.. wo we pretty much hung out with them the rest of the night. we all went down to the coffee house by andrews park and met up with scott, michelle, and some other girl. so all of us basically hung out until, of course, i went home. not too interesting, but it made my day, at least.
saturday, my mom, matt, and i went school clothes shopping. that was pretty cool i guess.. got a few new things. then later on that night, damon and i decided on the spur of the moment to go see Star Wars: Episode III on base. it was pretty sweet. the only drawback of THAT was that the movie didn't end till like 11:30. craziness. and then church on sunday.. whew boy.
church was cool, as usual. then afterwards we ate at Murillo's. that was friggin' awesome. man, i haven't eaten mexican food in a long time. later on that night, the whole family watched Star Wars: A New Hope. too bad my mom was really getting into it. hahaha. anyway, i couldn't stay up too late after that because of..
CROSS COUNTRY PRACTICE. man, i'm lucky i even woke up for that. my mom got me up at 7:50, because i apparently forgot to set my alarm. oh well.. i had a ride there, so it was all good. man, it was pretty cool being there even though i was complaining about it the whole time. then martinez made me and keanen run FOUR miles instead of two, since we've been running all summer. now, how come i don't remember him doing that to other people LAST year..? anyway.. we went shopping again today, i mowed the lawn, and the family watched Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. i think we're planning on watching the last one tomorrow. bunch of geeks.
i need to start posting more often. i keep forgetting what i do during the week.
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Saturday, August 06, 2005
great.. haven't posted since sunday. good job chris.
umm.. i guess not much has happened since Spirit West Coast. monday wasn't too bad i guess. i got up at like 8:45 because a bunch of us cross country people have been getting together and running like twice a week. that was cool i guess. the duck pond is a killer though. lots of hills.. yesssss.
i don't think anything happened tuesday. i moved.. like.. an inch. yeah.
wednesday was cool too i guess. umm.. nothing much happened till 6, when me, nia, josh, jessica, jen, drew, and some other kids went bowling. i bowled.. and sucked. yeah, whatever. so did everyone else, except for like.. drew. ahaha. then everyone kept making fun of the way i bowl. whatever.. freaks. then, when we went to get food, our server's name was Rachel, right? well, not many people know about the joke, and i'm not really 'in' on it, but i do know about it. it's the whole 'Friends' thing, where six of y'all got together and gave yourselves names from the show. anyway, i knew that nia was Rachel. so, when i looked at the nameplate i was like, "haha.. rachel.." and then she was like, "you gotta problem with that?".. and keep in mind, this isn't exactly the prettiest woman in the world. she was kinda.. err.. weird. so i go into explaining about the stupid joke.. and we get in the most random conversation ever. it was weird. i don't know. rachel is.. weird. that's all i have to say because if i keep going, i'll just get meaner. umm anyway.. i went home and talked to zack on the phone for a little while. i found out something that i really didn't want to find out at the time, but i'm glad i did now. i'm over it, and i'm glad. i had to go on a walk though, to figure some things out. but it's cool now. no worries.
thursday was pretty good too i guess. nia was supposed to come on base to chill, but she didn't. i'm not trippin' over that though. i wasn't really expecting her to come, and to be honest, i wasn't that concerned at that particular moment anyway. i was just looking forward to going to 1221. which was freakin' AWESOME. greg's got that word now. he KNOWS how to preach it. also, i got to see breanne and lacy. me and breanne got in a tickle fight.. haha. yeah.. she lost. what a loser. ahaha.
yesterday was umm.. extremely good. some the cross country team met up again at the duck pond, and me and chris ran 4 miles, while the rest ran 2.5. then we chilled for like.. an hour. we always, always do that. it's like.. tradition. i dunno how to explain it. then we all decided that we were gonna go to the bx and eat because by that time, we were all starving. so we did that, then we tried to sneak erin in the bx, but that didn't work out too well. haha. then langbehn and matt played DDR. crazy kids. i don't know how people get so good at that game. buncha nerds must be playing it like all day or something. haha j/p. but no really. ahahaha. umm anyway, langbehn left for the pool and the rest of us headed on over to my house to check out my skills on that geetar. these skills are unheard of. can't touch this da nuh nuh nuh.. nuh nuh.. nuh nuh! anyway.. i played like.. every single Dashboard song i know. and believe me, that's a lot. that's like.. 1 1/2 hours of playing right there. just Dashboard. cuh-razy. later on that night i asked my mom if i could go to the creekwalk, but she said only if i could get a ride back home. kind of not fair i guess because a situation i have no control over is affecting me. but i guess that's just life right? wow, that's applying to a lot of situations right now actually. umm.. anyway, i'm not complaining about not going now though because i got to talk to breanne a lot on the phone and internet and stuff. that was fantastic. so yeah.. like i said. extremely good.
today has been kind of hectic. i had to wake up at like 9:45 because my mom had some type of family picnic that she wanted me to go to. it wasn't that bad i guess. i got lumpia, so yeah.. we threw the football.. had a good time.. you know, the usual. then we came home and i had to clean because fatt is having his party today. actually, he's having it as we spea--err.. i type. he has two friends spending the night. oh joy. i'm looking forward to this. that's ok though because the Costco cake that we got him makes up for it. hecka good. but they can make you sick REAL quick. no joke. so i've been playing a lot of guitar. and my fingers hurt, even while i type.. so i'm gonna go.
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..