Wednesday, June 30, 2004
can you say....bored?
well, today wasnt sooo bad.i did go running.but it was really bad.i felt like i had to puke halfway sucked.but afterwards, i felt a lot better than i have in a long time.probably becuz of the fact that it's a physical activity.but i also love running....cuz i can really just spend time with God...i know most of you dont know about dont worry about it.but aside from that, it's a time where i can think.and i love it when i can REALLY think.cuz you find out deep feelings that you never knew before.i dont think this time it changed that much though...cuz i thought about a lotta stuff last nite whatever.anyway, after i ran and took a shower, my dad took me and my lil bro was pretty fun.but my dad beat me both times.piece of trash.anyway....MOM IF YOU ARE READING THIS: CHANGE THE PLANE TICKETS!i wanna go'm tired of louisiana.i've seen dad.i've seen friends.time for me to go home.i'm serious.anyway, besides that...yeah...i'm to yall later.holla.
HAHA! *life is fast, but i'm FASTER!*
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Your Love Never Changes
Paul Wright
I'm tired of falling on my face Lord
Get up, tell myself woah woah.
I'm tired of singin the same songs.
I'm so high, I'm so low.
I'm so hot, I'm so cold.
I'm so young, but I'm feelin so old.
I'm at peace, I'm at war.
I want less, I want more.
I want it all, but I don't know what it's for.
And all that I am is all that You see.
Nobody is lookin at me.
I fall on my knees, You're callin my name.
And You love me just the same.
cuz You're love, It never changes.
Yeah, You love me just the same.
cuz You're love, It never changes.
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Monday, June 28, 2004 we're louisiana.still.....
wait a minute....
still in louisiana? cant's been 4 weeks already hasnt it?
not even two weeks?!you've gotta be kidding.
this crap goes by way too feels like it's been forever.maybe it's cuz i'm away from the ppl i really love and care about.and yes, that includes my mom, but not only also includes...dare i say it?nia.nia mostly...but all my other friends too.these next few days wont be so bad though.i know thursday me, my dad, and lil man are going to see spiderman's gonna be soooooooooooooooooooo good.i cant wait.and then, tomorrow, if it's actually in stores, i'm gonna get the game.i know it'll be in stores, but it'll probly be sold out.anyway.yeah, today me, daddy, lil man, and stepmom went swimming was alright.till it was about to rain.i swear i hate this mom always says hate is a strong word.....well, that's why i'm using it!lol.anyway, that's all that's going on.pretty much.yeah.i'm starting to enjoy yellowcard a lot.they may not be Christian...but that doesnt mean they're bad.they actually have some really good songs about...well, i'd say teen love...but that's my opinion.and no cuss words in any of the least that i've heard.
this Bible verse crossed my i figured i'd post it...
Psalms 23:4-Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (this being, jk), I will fear no evil, for You (being God) are with me; Your rod and staff, they comfort me.
oh yeah, and if any of you are interested in this Church stuff...give me a holler...i know about it and can help you out...and i'm being serious about this too.check it out:
John 3:16-For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in His name, would not perish but have everlasting life.(again i'm being serious)
*i'm still lazy, but still not my*
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Saturday, June 26, 2004
ok, like sam, i'm gonna do the whole friend thing write a paragraph about that, since sam did me first...i'll do him first.
sam has been an awesome friend.i first met him in 6th grade.but i dont think it was till 7th grade till we became like best friends or whatever.but that all went downhill when i moved to cali.not're still really good friends.anyway, sam is a really good friend.he's a big ol', jk...ok, not, but he is smart.and really good with computers.and the past few days at his house were really cool.just to hang out and's funny, cuz this year changed us both, but for the better.we're both a LOT more outgoing than we were.but we're still like the same old ppl to each other.and we have pretty much the same sense of it's cool to hang out....oh yeah!and he grew his hair pretty's awesome.not as long as mine or anything...but it's not short it's that's sam.
anyway, so my day was alright i guess....we went out to eat at my favorite mexican restaurant in town.but it's not that good now compared to what they have in fairfield in cali.and then we went bowling.i saw claire there from was cool cuz i havent seen her since i left for cali the first was cool.but i sucked at bowling.i only got like was horrible.but whatever.anyway, my day was short, and that's about all that i'll talk to yall later.holla back.
*i'm still too lazy, but it's not my's been rainin too much*
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Thursday, June 24, 2004, jk.anyway...yeah, i'm at sam's house right now.and my day was pretty nice except for about an hour and a half of it.we (me, sam, britt, and kayla) went to see dodgeball, which, like sam we went to backyard burger.and sam was the only gay hole to actually get a burger.i mean, who ACTUALLY gets a burger at a burger joint?lol.then, we went back to sam's house and chilled for a lil bit. then i had to like, dress up for some funeral for my great was kinda cool i guess cuz i got to visit family that i havent seen in a LONG while.then, i got to sam's just in time to catch the ride with sara to the movies to go see riddick (which by the way is the gayest movie known to mankind).yeah, take my advice.DONT EVER SEE THAT MOVIE!it was plot.just some guy going around killin ppl.stupid.but it was cool too i guess.whatever.oh yeah!i forgot to tell yall.when i went to go to get my hair cut at the mall, when i first walked in, like a group of like 4 girls was sittin down and they all just started starin.i was like, no.just stop.i know i'm sexy and all...but you cant gotta's time for bed.holla back!
*i'm too lazy*
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
so, here i am again.well, it's actually 12 10 here, so it's not the same day technically for me....but whatever.anyway, sam's party was the, jk. anyway, it was cool.we had about 10 was cool.and we played basketball and got all hot and was gross.i hate sweating, cuz it's nasty and i havent done it in miss cali weather.especially right now.cuz it's like pourin down rainin.and last nite it was like thunderin and however you say the video for more info on the party.and watch for my sexy whatever, talk to yall later. HOLLA!
*life is gettin a lil slower, and i'm havin a lil better time keepin up...but it's still hard*
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
hey yall (there's a little southern for you).anyway, i'm at sam's.and we're in a lull.we're pretty much just sittin here waitin on ppl to come for the party.but it's not till like, 5, so we have quite a while to go.yeah, last nite me and sam added that video of us on to mine and his blog.we'll do a different one either tonite or tomorrow of the'll be sweet.and i'll be in my sexy hat and anthony's looked at was cool.i guess.yeah, we're pretty bored right now...tryin to figure out somethin to do.waitin for the party.oh well.............hmmmm....i dont even know what to blog to yall later.holla!
*life is too fast, and i'm trying to keep up*
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
I'M GOING TO SEE MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS TODAY!!!!!!!anyway, it's been pretty boring in abbeville, know what i did yesterday?absolutely nothing.well, not nothing really.i played vidoe games and my guitar.ALL DAY.oh, but today'll be different.i get to sit in a car for an hour and a half to see some family.but it's all's worth it.then tomorrow's sam's party.that should be pretty fun.but yeah, i got busted mom started using my old screen name.and i was on past curfew.again.and she found out (how is it that EVERY SINGLE TIME i do something wrong, she knows....but when i do something good, like care for a friend or do some good deed or something, she doesnt know?!oh well, no big deal)but i dont think she was really mad at me.besides, the only person i was talkin to was her anyway.i was only talkin to like one other i wasnt in trouble or anything.she kinda fussed at me wont be posting for a few days probly cuz i'll be havin fun for a, j/p....wait, not whatever.i mite post, or audio post or something, if i have no time to post in the next few, talk to yall then.holla back.
*life is too fast, and i'm trying to keep up*
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Sunday, June 20, 2004
so, yeah...i'm at my dad's right now.he lives near lafayette in's alright i guess.i really miss home already.i think next year i'm not gonna stay as long.maybe two weeks.just enough to see everyone and hang out for a lil bit.not no this time.stupid idea.anyway...i stayed in houston for like 2 and a half days.maybe two days, i dunno.i went to splashtown's like waterworld for all you cali folk who dont know. and i rode texas's the same thing as cliffhanger.and it was awesome!rode it twice.and when i'm not outside doin stuff i'm playin guitar.gettin pretty good too. it's pretty nice.well, i think i'm gonna start running tomorrow and quit being lazy.i really dont want to though.i love bein lazy, but i gotta start runnin sometime.then tuesday, wednesday, and thursday i'm stayin the nite at sam's. that should be pretty fun.his b-day's on i'll get to see a lotta my close louisiana friends.but i also cant wait to get home.get to see a special someone.and i'm sure everyone knows by i'm not really worried about it......yep, so that's all that's goin on really.but i gotta to yall later, holla back!
*life is too fast, and i'm tryin to keep up*
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Friday, June 18, 2004
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
i'm leaving in like 10 minutes...this is crazy....i dont wanna go...i dont, becuz of obvious reasons...well at least to the people who actually know what's goin on with me.but i'm excited too.get to see all my good friends again.there's nothing else to talk about....except....I'LL MISS YALL!!!!talk to yall later...holla back....and if you want to keep in touch email me:
*life is too fast, and i'm trying to keep up*
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Thursday, June 17, 2004
yeah, so i'm leaving just hit me today.a month.A MONTH!that is so fricken long.i mean, dont get me wrong, i love my friends back home to death.i do.but these friends mean so much to me here too.and there are people i dont want to leave...becuz i dont want things to people know who i'm talkin bout.but it's a little more reassuring that zack's not gonna be here anyway. so i wouldnt see him it doesnt make a difference.but it's other ppl that i'm worried about.again, you people know who i'm talkin bout.i think the packin is what did it. i mean, what really made it hit me hard.when i was packing.and of course seein some of my friends for the last time for a month.that sucks.i miss school too.i'm sorry for the people who didnt like school.i loved it.i was around my friends every day....and call me crazy, but i sorta enjoy learning new things.and i really cant wait till school starts up again.vanden.we'll be high schoolers man.HIGH SCHOOLERS!yeah boy.there are some ppl that are scared of high school, cuz they're scared that the group will break tell you the truth....i'm a lil nervous, but i'm not gonna go and kill myself over it.i'm tellin you right now ppl....most of us will stay.and i'm not everyone else...DONT WORRY ABOUT IT!talk to yall later...holla back...
*life is fast, but i'm faster*
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Monday, June 14, 2004
hey everyone....well it's been a while since i last posted, so i think i'm going to now.well, i'm sure by now everyone's heard about casey's party.yes we played truth or dare.and yes i kissed jen and michelle.but the rest of my week should be me and zack are supposed to go to waterworld tomorrow...that should be pretty fun.hopefully he can go though...cuz i dont know, his dad came home today, so i'm not sure.and then friday i leave for louisiana *tear*.i've thought about it, and i've found i'd would definitely be ok with staying there for only like 2 weeks.and i'll be stayin there for a month.but it'll be cool though cuz i'll get to see my pimp friend jk.and there's a chance (fat chance) that we mite be going to astroworld in houston.that'll be fun if we go. well that's all that's really going on...oh yeah!we all killed audioblogging...and i dont think i'm gonna do it anymore, cuz like ant said, it kinda defeats the purpose of blogging.i will only do it if i'm totally outta time and cant find any time to post like yeah, that's to yall later...holla back
*life is fast, but i'm faster*
check out the new bachelor's's down in the links...and it's
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Friday, June 11, 2004

chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Thursday, June 10, 2004
The Future of our Internet.....
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
ok yall, i know i've already written about 8th grade but i have this urge to talk about all of my middle one, and i mean NO ONE really knows what my other middle school years were like except my friends back i'm pretty bored.haha.
6th grade-ok, sixth grade.i was a big dork.i very openly admit that too.sixth grade was just like 'woah!' for me.becuz it came with a lot of surprises.but i'm not gonna really talk about them, cuz none of them were that important.sixth grade didnt 'mold' me into the person i am today, like a lot of ppl said it did.i dont know.sixth grade was just...yuck!so, no more talk of sixth grade.oh yeah, and i also had my sexy new fossil watch stolen...that was not cool at all.
7th grade-seventh grade for me, was my second favorite year of all three middle school years.but it was really's when i got my first girlfriend my dad also started to teach me to was pretty cool.seventh grade was cool, cuz you're not on the bottom anymore but you still have some older kids messin with you cuz you're younger than seventh grade, i started, like sam said, hangin out with a 'group'.and like sam said, it was mostly girls except like me and him.that was hilarious.but you know, it's just cuz we're big, j/k. seventh grade is when i really started to find out who i was.i mean, i turned into some semi-popular kid who just didnt really care.i guess.i mean, that's how i'd describe myself for the seventh grade.oh yeah, and it was funny to watch all the scared little sixth graders walk around not knowing what to do. muhahahaha! i also tried to make a name for myself...but it didnt really work.cuz i tried out for the track team, but i didnt make it.*tear*.lol, jk.and at the end of the year was when i started to grow my hair out for the first time.that was awesome.and i had two really good friends in seventh grade.sam and jessica.those are the ones i always talk about, for those of you californians who dont know.i really, ummm....started to have a 'relationship' with jessica last year.but it was more of a really really good friends relationship.and sam and me were really good friends too.sam and me, i dont know....i guess we were like brothers or something.i dont know.cant explain it.but that all changed a couple days after school was over......
8th grade-like i said before, i think my eighth grade year was the best.although i had to leave my friends that i had back home, i made awesome friends here.i mean, at first i couldnt figure out who i was, yet again.i cant believe i had to do that all over.but it was cool...i think it helped me realize who i really was.i think if i woulda stayed in LA then i woulda stayed a big skater boy instead of what i am now (what am i now?).seventh grade may have helped 'mold' me into what i am....but 8th grade really put the icing on the cake if you know what i took till about february/march to really get me into the group that i'm hangin out with now.i mean, like everyone, and i mean everyone has been sayin in their blogs, we had the absolute best group in golden i dont wanna repeat what everyone was saying so i'll just stop talking about the group right i'm really glad i moved to offense to the people in lousiana at all.i mean, i love yall too, but california is really more than i couldve asked for.and i'd like to thank all my friends that made it that way this know who you are.
well, that's it....i know it's another long post...but i had to do it cuz no one here really that you do....uhhh...yeah, there it to yall later.holla....
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
so, today and yesterday were ok i guess.yesterday we went to frisco to go visit family cuz they were here on business or whatever.but the only thing bad about it was that we went to fisherman's wharf.i swear that place is driving me crazy!i mean i've been there like 5 times!but it was ok, cuz we stopped at trish's donut stand.....that place is the awesomest place ever.i mean, you cannot find better donuts anywhere else in the entire world.i swear.and then today was cool i guess.i got up around 10:15 and just was lazy for a lil bit.then i got dressed (in anthony's shirt, lol, sorry anthony!).then i went over to sean's and we walked to the bx.although we didnt really go in the bx cuz the stupid gay hole tried to jack something from there like a couple of weeks ago, and so now they wont let him in for six months.serves him right!so we ate lunch there, and then we went and chilled at his house and watched MADE on was stupid.hate that stupid show.then i went back home, and my mom came and picked me up to go see 'the day after tomorrow'.i thought it was really good.very good special fx.and of course lily and krystal were being big old dorks all through the umm...yeah, so that's pretty much all that happened.ummm...yeah. talk to yall later.holla back.
*life is fast, but i'm faster*
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
hey this is my new's pretty nice.i'll add a tagboard when i can actually figure out how to fit it correctly onto the stupid thing...i'll also add comments too...but yeah...ummm...nuthin's really going i'll post later...holla back.
*life is fast, but i'm faster*
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Sunday, June 06, 2004
k, here's what happened friday and saturday.
friday-had school for about 30 minutes then we went over to the vanden high school track&field.after we practiced for what seemed like forever cuz it was so friggin hot we actually got promoted.and then when they were giving the award for having a 3.5 gpa or above all year....i was the first to be called up :gasp:.and then me and brian a. were sittin in the front row and we would yell out everyones name that we knew when they walked was pretty cool.and then when lily/nia/anna/whoever else walked up to give the farewell me and brian yelled 'do it for teehee!'it was cool....and then afterwards my mom brought me to eat and i got me a new fossil watch!it's so freakin pimpin. yep...then there was liz's was alright i guess...we swam and got in the hot yeah...that was friday.
saturday-ok saturday was kinda boring until amanda's party...before it i went over to zack's house and he flew his remote control was ok i guess..but it was a lil too windy so yeah...and then amanda's party was first it was a lil boring, but after a while it got very...ummm...interesting to say the least.well, first we got in a water fight...i poured some on nia...then she chased me around till she cornered me and just dumped it all over me...then janee poured some on me then i was soaked....and as if that wasnt enough i stayed inside for a lil bit and then went back out...but i went out at the totally wrong 5 ppl got sodas out and started shakin them up and so i ran to the door really fast...but then lily locked it...and she wouldnt let me in....that wasnt i got soaked with some sort of orange soft drink. so i had to take off my shirt....yeah....and then anthony lent me his hollister shirt and everyone complimented me on i think i mite keep, j/ that was pretty much it...except for the fact that my face smelled like sour milk cuz brian graybeal smeared whipped cream all over my face, i was so saturday was fun...good times.... i know this is really really long...but i have to do a total recap on this year.i think this was the best year of my life (so far i mean).i mean...between the drama...and me switching between like 5 the beginning i was kinda shy, i guess.but then since i had my really sexy hot hair (lol, j/p)everyone started to know me as the sexy new kid...that was crazy.and then i kinda made a name of myself in cross country..that was a really fun season...and i really didnt have any drama till like april/ was crazy...maybe i shouldnt have liked so many girls this year.i mean, it was like lily, emily, catrina, hollie, other people i wont mention, and now krystal. yeah...ummm...maybe i shouldnt have done that...but we have our good and bad actions dont we?yep, then like the last week of school was just sad and happy and crazy and exciting and just everything.and i just changed so much over the's crazy...i mean like, i was big skater boy and the beginning of the i'm like, wearing american eagle and hollister and all that good stuff.and my personality changed a lot too (oh dang, my friends from la told me i would change and i didnt believe them...i guess they were right)yeah....if i think of other stuff that happened this year...i'll write again.everyone tell me if you want me to add something to this, and i'll write it, promise.well, this is waaaaaaayyyyy too i'm gonna go...holla back!
*life is fast, but i'm faster*
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Thursday, June 03, 2004
yo everybody....well, it's the thursday of the last week of school...which means tomorrow is the last day of school *again, tear*.yeah, so anyway....we had to practice for the gay promotion today...oh my was so fricken boring.and yeah, lily kinda made my day today was pretty, everyone's gonna be like all crying and stuff tomorrow...that's gonna suck.i mean, i've got some friends that i made that i probably wont ever see ever again...that sucks.but i've got my cool friend zack h. here with me, so it's all good in the hood, this is kinda short but there's not much else to to yall later...holla.
*oh yeah, and if the song takes a while to load...just wait on it, it'll come*
*life is fast, but i'm faster*lol, i wrote that in like everyone's yearbook today and yesterday...
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
hey everyone,well, it's tuesday of the last week of school *tear*.oh well....i guess life goes on, although i really dont want it's not gonna be fun leaving another school....but at least this time i'll have all my friends with was field was alright i guess.i mean i got to get out of class, so yeah.but the only other good part about it was that i got to hang out with krystal pretty much the whole was cool...we took a lotta pics so that all my southern friends (holla!) get to see what my friends up here in good ol' cali look like.but i've still got like 15 pics left on it so more will come.anyway, yeah, so that's pretty much all that's happened.i mean, all that i wanna talk, i'll talk to yall later....holla!
chris ran as fast as he could
..never look back..